Multifunctional forest in the Alps REinforcing DIALogue

Kit communication
Promoting the multifunctionality of Alpine forests
Raising awareness about the impacts of climate change
Preventing ang managing conflict- Initiating dialogue

REDIAFOR is an exploratory project on conflicts in the Alpine forests. As part of this project, participants identified and analysed
problems stemming from conflicts of interest and risks around the multifunctional use of our forests (REDIAFOR survey).
This project has also laid a foundation for transnational and national dialogue between experts, forestry stakeholders, and regional
authorities to strengthen their ability to manage these conflicts (discussion workshops and REDIAFOR training sessions).
This communication kit was created to foster better understanding between society and the mountain forest community by
making the technical and sometimes scientific forestry language more accessible. It invites all stakeholders to recognise and share
this common heritage and overcome the tensions sparked by sometimes divergent interests to strengthen the resilience of the
alpine forest as a whole.
The various components of this kit are mainly intended for the general public (poster, climate change fact sheet) but can also
be useful to professionals (conflict management fact sheet).
The kit can be used by Alpine areas and their decision makers (whether they own public forests or not) and shared with the general
public. It can also be used by private forest owners, managers, environmental organisations, and so on. The kit may also be useful to partners in the fields of pastoralism, tourism, nature conservation, natural risks, water management, hunting, and seasonal employment
The REDIAFOR communication kit (poster and fact sheets) may be printed and used without restriction. The poster and fact sheets
may be used separately. However, the illustrations cannot be copied from the poster for use on their own without first informing
the Communes forestières Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, ( This kit was developed as
part of the REDIAFOR project, funded by ARPAF with the support of EUSALP.
When presenting the communication kit, the following credits must be included
Crédits : © Illustrations : Emmanuel Passieux |
Design : Communes forestières Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes – REDIAFOR Project