Multifunctional forest in the Alps REinforcing DIALogue
you will find here some of the deliverables of the REDIAFOR project
Talking with youth to anticipate forest conflicts
EUSALP meets Forestry
Initiating dialogue & conflict management training
REDIAFOR partners gathered forest experts at regional and transnational scales. Together they have shared cross-sectoral forest issues leading to possible conflicts, trying to better anticipate them.
Leading to their ability to manage such situation, REDIAFOR initiate training session (fr) provided by the "Institut des Strategies Emergentes"
Download :
1) introduction to the training session* (the initial frame of this training session, learn more about strategic facilitation, look at bavarian and Auvergne-rhone-alpes forest issues and conflicts)
2) Outputs of the training sessions* (program, methodological framework, synthesis report, summary of the active meeting seminar validated by the participants)
*only in french
Discover the training participants testimony